The Must-Have IT Policies

Has Your Business Addressed These Crucial Areas
A few decades ago, outlining policies on information technology was a non-issue for businesses. Today, however, it is one of the most important things a business owner can do. In our increasingly digitized age, laying out guidelines for how your business will—and will not—utilize technology will give your employees clarity and your business vision. Here are four IT policies you should be sure to address.

Top 5 IT Policies You Should Address

  • Back Ups: Fortunately, you no longer have to lug heavy file boxes off-site to ensure a disaster striking your office does not wipe out your business’s data. Implement a policy to ensure that all important information is backed up digitally.
  • Disaster Recovery: Taking Backup one step further are Disaster Recovery Solutions. These services copy all of your critical business data to the cloud and replicate your business information systems so your company can recover from an earthquake or other natural disaster quickly, both locally and in the cloud.
  • Safeguards: Set forth a company-wide policy for how data will be used, which data can leave the confines of your business, password use, and levels of access to your company’s network.
  • Usage: Work with your team to determine which technologies (e.g. email, voicemail, printers, computers) will be used by which staff members, and for which purpose. Outline the consequences of improperly using your business’s technology. Also, set forth standards about which software and systems can be used (e.g. no instant messaging software to be downloaded to company computers).
  • Support: Ensure that every member of your team knows to whom they should turn for technology issues. Make your IT support structure clear so that issues can be quickly addressed, important maintenance will happen in a timely manner, and any suggestions about technology planning for your company can be properly captured and utilized.

If IT is not your field of expertise, discerning the best IT policies for your business should not have to fall onto your desk. To bring in IT consulting experts, Contact XO. Serving Los Angeles area businesses, we are here to come alongside you to optimize your IT processes. For great managed IT services for your California business, give us a call today (866-808-9901)

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