Virtual CIOs For Better IT Management

For many small to medium sized businesses, hiring a Chief Information Officer isn’t exactly in the company’s budget. What many of these businesses may not understand is that this vital management component can significantly increase business efficiency. For firms working with a specific IT budget, consider the benefits of employing the services of a virtual cio.
The job of the CIOs is to assess information and implement strategies to increase productivity using various technology systems. For businesses that cannot yet afford a full time CIO, virtual options can provide the business with comprehensive CIO solutions while keeping their budget in check.

Top Advantages to Virtual CIO Services

  • Continuity Planning: A virtual CIOs can provide strategies for risk mitigation and disaster management. By assessing current and potential risk related to data breach and theft, a virtual CIO can help the firm determine what actions must be taken to prevent possible security issues while also developing a plan for data system recovery.
  • Planning for Growth: Any successful organization must plan for growth and change. Virtual CIOs can assess where the company is and where it is headed; allowing the CIO to determine what type of network infrastructure is needed and what type of equipment and software will best allow the company to adapt. This can reduce issues related to system scalability and capability during fluctuations of growth.
  • Budgeting for IT: Determining what network systems are needed, how and where staff can work most efficiently, and when system upgrading is necessary can make allocating IT resources difficult. A virtual CIO can create a comprehensive budget which will include where funds and resources will be best put to use, effectively maximizing staff and system efficiency.
  • Project Management: IT projects must be organized, goal oriented, and completed in a timely manner to increase profit and productivity. A virtual CIO can head your IT projects to ensure their success.

If you are considering a virtual CIO for your Los Angeles based small or medium-sized business, please contact the professionals with XOverture IT Services. We offer tangible, budget friendly virtual CIO services that will help take your business to the next level.

Also Read:
Responsibility of a Virtual CIO
Why a Virtual CIO Makes Sense for Small Businesses

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